REVISTA ABC Mallorca, número de abril 2016
Exposición de Estefanía Pomar Aloy en Rialto Living
La inauguración de ‘Cyanophyceae‘, la nueva exposición de Estefanía Pomar Aloy, tuvo lugar en la innovadora tienda de estilo de vida, Rialto Living.
Cyanophyceae: “Las cianobacterias (también llamadas algas verde-azuladas) son microorganismos cuyas células miden sólo unos micrómetros (µm) de diámetro, pero son más grandes que la mayoría de las otras bacterias”.
Sin tiempo, sin dirección, simplemente siendo ellas mismas las Cyanophyceae están haciendo su papel en el mar. Estas pequeñas muestras de vida, viven acompañadas siempre en colonias y oxigenan por medio de la fotosíntesis; de ahí su color azul verdoso.
Partiendo de esos microorganismos y su función, Estefanía Pomar Aloy elabora una nueva propuesta estética, metáfora sobre la importancia vital de esos seres imperceptibles que nos rodean y de su comportamiento.
Las formas celulares, texturas, materias, gestos y belleza son ingredientes presentes en esta nueva exposición que no dejará a nadie indiferente.
La exposición estará disponible hasta el día 24 de Abril de 2016.
Rialto Living
Calle San Feliu, 3
Palma de Mallorca
Tel. +34 971 713 311
Estefania Pomar is a Mallorcan artist, whose studio is based in Sa Rápita (Mallorca).The artist was formed in the studies of some of the best painters of the island of Mallorca, and after a period of formation at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona, decided to undertake a self-training to allow her to express her feelings to the canvas with greater freedom.
Estefania Pomar’s work is based on a reinterpretation of nature trying to absorb the spectator attention through a new look to the basic elements of nature. In this sense the artist is set and translate such simple matters as the germination of a seed or a footprint in the sand. After a period treating elements of the earth, now the attention of the artist focuses on the sea, as an essential element of Mediterranean culture. In this sense who has not been for a moment absorbed by the immensity of the sea? Who has not relaxed watching the serenity of the sea? or who has not felt part of the waters? … The sea is a very strong, which from the beginning of time to reign all the Mediterranean cultures. The artist through his work seeks to capture not only the viewer’s attention but absorve him, looking for a meditative contemplation of the work. The creative process starts when the artist is faced with the canvas or paper, giving them a first coat, after which the colors are just another part of the process that seeks the depth of the work. In the case of the papers even before the process begins, as all his works on paper is to support the artist collected papers of shops, then recycle them in her studio giving them a second life. In this sense comes under the theme of the artist find all types of media on which to develop the ideas explained above. This leads to the creative process of Estefania does not occur typical crisis of the artist before the blank canvas on which you have to start acting, the same preparation of canvas is part of the creative process of the artist . The result of all this is a fresh work that seeks to be a window into the sea through which the viewer can escape no more., Seeking a point of which depart are simple and universal ideas.
This is developed in her current study closely connected with the sea, and in which the entire creative process is no hurry, leaving the material into shape and dry pigments at the pace they see fit, with all this reflects a culture of letting things take their own pace, or to paraphrase a saying that the artist likes to remember «we have the watches but we do not own time.»